This interview series focused on how Christinia of Vegan.CN life flourished with a healthy vegan and plantbased lifestyle.
Christina has been vegan for almost three years and has had a wholefoods approach for the last year and half. Beginning this fall, Christina will enter college as a freshman and is ambitious to begin a new chapter in her life in sunny California. She enjoys traveling, writing,and fitness. She hopes to pursue these important aspects of her life into her future.
What is your favorite way to start your day?
My favorite way to start the day is EARLY, I find myself having more mental clarity and energy first thing in the morning. I love taking a few minutes to myself when I first wake up to set some intentions, stretch, and just breathe. This routine is usually followed by overnight oats on the go, or a smoothie.
What is your food philosophy?
I focus on a whole foods lifestyle, but do not restrict myself when it comes to eating out or having a not so “healthy” treat every once in a while… aka once or twice a week. I like to listen to my body and follow my intuition when eating in order to keep a good relationship with food.
Have you always had a healthy relationship with food?
In the past, I have struggled with following my bodies queues and had a negative/positive relationship with food that resulted in over eating and restricting myself.
When did you realize you wanted to be vegan?
I had been thinking about going vegan for a year or so, but finally decided to take the plunge after waking up one morning and thinking to myself, “I’m ready”. I haven’t looked back since.
Walk me through the step-by-step process that you went through to get to where you are today, what was the first thing you did when you realized you wanted to start eating healthy? or go plant-based?
Originally as I became plant-based, I included foods I was used to into my diet such as vegan cheeses, vegan meats, etc. Learning more about the lifestyle, and how my body flourished when eating certain foods has led me to whole foods plantbased lifestyle, and also developed a newfound love for fitness.
What is one thing you wish others would know about being vegan?
I wish others knew that being vegan does not mean lettuce and french fries, and how truly easy and abundant a plant-based lifestyle can be!
What have you found out about yourself since becoming vegan?
Starting off plant based for myself and my own heath, I also began delving into the environmental and ethical aspect of eating plant based. I have discovered a newfound love for ALL animals, dogs, cows, cats, and pigs alike. I have found a better relationship with myself and a sense of mental clarity I never had previously.
What’s your favorite meal? least favorite meal?
My favorite meal is any type of curry. I love to swap up veggies based on what’s in season and serve over brown or wild rice. Since going vegan I have expanded my palette and developed a taste for most fruits and vegetables I had never tried before. I am very open and love to experiment with new recipes but have discovered I do not like the taste of cooked peppers.
Where do you grocery shop?
I buy in bulk at my local Wild by Nature, as well as Stop and Shop. In the summer time, I shop at local farm stands for most of my produce and get deliveries from Thrive Market, as well as OurHarvest.
If a person walked up to asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give them your best tip on clean-eating, vegan lifestyle, what would it be?
Go in wholeheartedly, don’t have any predispositions and fully delve into your new lifestyle. Try new fruits and veggies you have never tasted, and look up recipes based on what’s in season, and most available to you. Do not compare yourself to others diets but listen to your own body and begin to reap the benefits of a whole foods diet.
I want to thank Christina for contributing to the vegan and plantbased interview series I’m currently developing for this Letsearhealthynow. You can find her on IG Christinaanigro and her food/blog IG Vegan.CN
I, myself, have shared my stories thousands of times with others 1:1, groups, or here. The more I interact with my followers and engage in deep conversation, I learn something new. I also, realize there’s an audience out there who’s ready to share tips and advice to one another on vegan and healthy. To those trying to become healthier and switch, take that leap because it is worth it.
Are you struggling to become vegan, stay vegan, healthy lifestyle, or transitioning to plantbased? What are your tactics to maintaining a healthy lifestyle?
Would you like to share your journey to healthy eating and vegan lifestyle? Would you like to share your perspective on plant-based living, advice to those focusing on clean eating or transitioning vegan? If so, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below or contact me. I would love to share your journey and give you a platform to tell your story.
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